Terms & Conditions

The terms set out below (the Terms and Conditions) govern the participation in and implementation of related administrative matters pertaining to the Contest to be conducted by FOOTBALLCO MEDIA LIMITED , a company whose registered office is at 72 Dean Street, London, W1D 3SG United Kingdom (Organizer) for the benefit of Al Futtaim Electric Mobility Company, a company with office at ​Festival Tower​7, Crescent Drive, UAE A. Contest Period This Win with BYD competition (Contest) hosted by the Organizer will run from 1st July to xx 14th July 2024 (both dates inclusive) (Contest Period). B. Eligibility Subject to these Terms and Conditions, ONLY the following categories of persons who are residents of countries in the Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates specified in clause B.3 below (Territory) are eligible to participate in this Contest (collectively, Eligible Persons and each, an Eligible Person) The following persons are NOT eligible to participate in this Contest. permanent and/or contract employees of CLIENT and the Organizer (including its subsidiaries and related companies), including their respective immediate family members, meaning parents, spouses, children and siblings; Representatives and/or agents (including advertising agents and contest management agents) of CLIENT and the Organizer, including their respective immediate family members, meaning parents, spouses, children and siblings; holder(s) of a Relevant Card(s) not issued in the Territory; holder(s) of a Relevant Card(s) who is (are) in default of any facilities granted by their issuing financial institution and/or CLIENT at any time during the Contest Period, subject to CLIENT’s discretion; and/or any cardholder of a Relevant Card who has committed or suspected to have committed any fraudulent or wrongful acts in relation to his/her Relevant Card Account or any facility of service granted by their issuing financial institution and/or CLIENT. Eligible Persons who are permanent residents in the following countries are eligible to participate in the Contest, with such country split into two (2) categories: Category 1: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Category 2: United Arab Emirates How to Participate Eligible Persons are registered with the competition by: signing up and submitting their contact details when registering to participate accessing the competition on the microsite (campaign microsite) hosted by Organizer via the website and social media handles of Goal.com and Kooora.com; answer the trivia questions on the microsite and earn points for every correct answer; and the participants will have an option if they want to be contacted by CLIENT to book a test drive. Contest Mechanics The Participant will need to answer the trivia questions on the microsite (Trivia). Participants who answers the trivia without any incorrect answers enters the draw for a chance to win 1 of the prizes below (Prize(s)) on a weekly basis The Participant will be entitled to try the trivia once a week, however a Participant is only eligible to win one (1) prize throughout the entire competition. Each Quiz is based on football trivia from the Euro 2024. There will be a total of 5 (five) trivias each week during the Contest Period (one Quiz per week of the Contest Period). Winners For Category 1 markets, the Organizer will select five (5) winners (Winner(s)) for the weekly trivia whereby Winners will be selected based on a weekly raffle draw from the pool of Participants for that week who answered all the trivia correctly For Category 2 markets, the Organizer will select five (5) Winners for the weekly trivia whereby Winners will be selected based on a weekly raffle draw from the pool of Participants for that week who answered all the trivia correctly Prizes The Prizes to be given away weekly to each Winner at the end of the Contest Period will be the following : Week 1 (July 3 -9 Participants) KSA: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : luggage, luggage tag, cool towel, cap, polo shirt, keychain and football) UAE: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : rope drawstring backpack, polo shirt, vehicle insulated cup, football, keychain and tshirt) Week 2 (July 10-16): KSA: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : luggage, luggage tag, cool towel, cap, polo shirt, keychain and football) UAE: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : rope drawstring backpack, polo shirt, vehicle insulated cup, football, keychain and tshirt) Week 3 (July 17-23) KSA: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : cool towel, cap, Tshirt, foldable bag, keychain and football. UAE: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : rope drawstring backpack, polo shirt, vehicle insulated cup, football, keychain and tshirt) Week 4 (July 24-30) KSA: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : cool towel, cap, Tshirt, foldable bag, keychain and football. UAE: Each winner will receive Euro 2024 x BYD branded merch as follows : rope drawstring backpack, polo shirt, vehicle insulated cup, football, keychain and tshirt) CLIENT will contact the Winners to make suitable arrangements to redeem the Prizes within 2 (2) weeks from the time that the winners has been announced. The following additional terms and conditions shall apply to the Prizes: All Prizes are given “as is” basis and are not transferable, nor exchangeable for credit or kind whether in part or in full; All costs, fees and/or expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Winner in relation to the Contest and/or to claim the Prize(s), which shall include but not limited to the costs for transportation, postage/courier, personal costs and/or any other costs, are the sole responsibility of the Winners. The Winners(s) must abide by all laws and regulations currently in place and the terms and conditions of the party(ies) arranging and/or providing the Prize and the terms and conditions attached to the Prize, if any. The Winner(s) shall be wholly responsible for the payment of all taxes, insurance and/or other miscellaneous charges relating to the Prizes. CLIENT and the Organizer will not be responsible or bear the cost of any other incidental costs; To the fullest extent permitted by law, there are no, and CLIENT and the Organizer expressly exclude(s) and disclaim(s) any, representations, warranties, or endorsements, expressed or implied, written or oral, including but not limited to, any warranty of quality, merchantability or suitability or fitness for a particular purpose in respect of the Prizes; For the avoidance of doubt, the Prizes are provided by CLIENT’s suppliers. The Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners hereby acknowledge and agree that CLIENT and the Organizer exclude(s) all warranty and/or liability in connection with the awarded prizes and/or the Contest. Participants shall assume full liability and responsibility in case of any liability, mishap, injury, loss, damage, claim or accident (including personal injury and/or death) resulting from their participation in the Contest, redemption and/or usage of the prizes. CLIENT and the Organizer shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury (including death) in any manner whatsoever suffered by the Participants as a result of the participation in the Contest and/or the use of the Prizes. The title in the Prizes and any risk of loss or damage to the Prizes will pass to the Winners upon delivery of the Prizes to such Winners. CLIENT shall not be liable for or obliged to recognize or replace any defective, lost, damaged or stolen Prizes where such defect, loss or damage in respect of the Prize is not due to the fault and/or negligence of CLIENT. The Organizer shall not be liable for or obliged to recognize or replace any defective, lost, damaged or stolen Prizes where such defect, loss or damage in respect of the Prize is not due to the fault and/or negligence of the Organizer; CLIENT reserves the right to select the color or any other nature of the Prize(s), where applicable; and CLIENT and the Organizer shall not be responsible for any defect or any other loss or damage that may be suffered in connection with any of the Prizes. Any dispute in relation to the warranty or quality of any Prize or any terms and conditions in respect thereof shall be settled directly between the relevant Winner and the relevant supplier. CLIENT and the Organizer will bear no responsibility for resolving any dispute and the Winner must liaise directly with the relevant supplier and not CLIENT or the Organizer in this regard. If the supplier is unable to supply the same model of the Prize(s), CLIENT reserves the right to substitute any Prize(s) with another product of similar retail value. Consent Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners who participate in this Contest are deemed to have expressly agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (as varied or changed), the decisions of CLIENT and/or the judges and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to have consented to and authorized CLIENT and the Organizer to disclose their particulars to the third party service providers engaged by CLIENT for purposes of the Contest. CLIENT and the Organizer warrant that the disclosure of such particulars to any third party service providers shall be limited to the Eligible Persons’ or Participants’ or Winners’ names, addresses and telephone numbers and shall be used only in relation to and for purposes of the Contest. CLIENT’s decision on all matters relating to the Contest (including the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions) shall be final and binding and no further correspondence or attempt to dispute such decision would be entertained. Each of the Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners may give his/her consent and authorization to CLIENT and the Organizer to use his/her name and any photographs taken or other information approved by the Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners for current and future advertising and publicity purposes relating to the Contest by signing the Photo Release Form. Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners, by virtue of signing the Photo Release Form, also agree to be featured in any publicity material relating to the Contest. No fee will be paid to the Winners for any of the foregoing. Data Protection & Privacy In connection with: (i) providing and administering the Contest; (ii) communicating the Contest; and (iii) selecting winners of the Prizes and awarding the Prizes to the winners, the Organizer, CLIENT, their respective subsidiaries, affiliates and associated companies/entities and agencies will be collecting and using transaction data relating to the Participant’s CLIENT branded card and using such personal information for such purpose. In addition, a Participant’s card number will also be transferred to the Participant’s CLIENT branded card issuing financial institution in order to confirm the Winner’s identity, and contact the Winners. CLIENT and the Organizer will be collecting personal information (e.g. name and phone number) of the Winner for the purpose of contacting the Winner. The Winner is required to provide photo identification in order to collect the Prize. If the personal information is not collected, the Organizer may not be able to award the Prizes to the Winner. For more information on how CLIENT may use such personal information and for information on how the Participant may contact CLIENT to request for access or to amend his/her personal information, or to limit the use of his/her personal information, please refer to CLIENT’s Privacy Policy which can be found at https://www.byduae.ae/en/privacy-and-legal/ https://www.byd.sa/en/privacy-and-legal/ Miscellaneous In the event that a Prize is awarded to Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners who or in the event that a Participant: is not eligible to participate in the Contest and/or receive the Prize; and/ or, has committed or is suspected of committing any misconduct, fraudulent or wrongful acts, CLIENT reserves the right to disqualify such Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners from participating in the Contest and/or receiving the Prize. CLIENT’s decision on all matters relating to the Contest will be final and binding. To the fullest extent permitted by law, by participating in this Contest, each and every Participant is agreeing that he/she will not hold the Organizer nor CLIENT and its officers, servants, employees, representatives and/or agents (including without limitation, any third party service providers that CLIENT and the Organizer may engage for the purposes of this Contest), liable for any loss or damages that he/she may incur, in connection with the Contest. CLIENT and the Organizer will not be liable for any default due to any war, riot, strike, lockout, industrial action, fire, flood, drought, storm, epidemic, pandemic, technical or system failure or any event beyond the reasonable control of CLIENT and the Organizer. CLIENT reserves the right as it deems fit to vary or change any of these terms and conditions from time to time or cancel, terminate, withdraw, or suspend this Contest and/or replace this Contest with another similar promotion, Contest or program with prior notice. Such variation, changes, cancellation, termination, withdrawal or suspension will be notified by posting on CLIENT’s website at www.CLIENTinternational.com (Website) or in any other manner as CLIENT deems fit. In this respect, the Participants participation in this Contest also signifies his/her agreement to access the Website at regular intervals to view these terms and conditions and to ensure that they are kept up-to-date with any variations or changes which CLIENT may effect from time to time. Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners also agree that their continued participation in this Contest will constitute their acceptance of these terms and conditions (as varied from time to time). For the avoidance of doubt, any cancellation, termination, withdrawal or suspension by CLIENT of this Contest will not entitle the Participant to any compensation against CLIENT for any and all loss or damage that may be suffered or incurred by the Eligible Persons, Participants and/or Winners as a direct or indirect result of the act of cancellation, termination, withdrawal or suspension. Any term and condition applicable to this Contest which is illegal, prohibited or unenforceable under any applicable law or regulation shall be ineffective to the extent of such illegality, voidness, prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed under the laws of England & Wals (Laws) excluding conflict-of-laws or similar provisions under those Laws that would mandate or permit the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court in London.